Artificial Intelligence Can Prevent Fires

Deputy for Technology for Natural Resources Development at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Yudi Anantasena said the demand for weather modification technology (TMC) operations was increasing along with the high frequency of occurrence of hydrometeorological disasters or forest and land fires (karhutla) in Indonesia.
“The TMC was initially used for the purpose of managing water resources to meet the needs of irrigation water and hydropower. However, in the last decade, it has been widely used for the purpose of mitigating hydrometerological disasters, especially forest and land fires," he said in a webinar on the implementation of artificial intelligence in supporting the implementation of TMC operations. dry season in a province prone to forest and land fires. However, sometimes BPPT is only asked to help implement TMC when conditions for forest and land fires worsen. In fact, in such a season, the atmospheric conditions are relatively dry and less supportive for the growth of potential clouds for sowing so that they are less efficient, both physically and materially. "The paradigm of TMC's operation to combat forest and land fires should have shifted towards preventing the emergence of hotspots on peatlands. Prevention can be carried out by TMC by wetting the peatlands, so TMC should be carried out in the transition season, where the amount of potential clouds is still available," he said. In developing this TMAT estimation system, BBTMC-BPPT used data from the peatland water monitoring system (Sipalaga) belonging to the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM). However, BBTMC only took 50 measurement locations with consideration of completeness of data and representative locations.



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